Reflecting on The 100 Day Project

The #100dayproject2021 creativity challenge is finally complete!! 100 days may have turned into 362... I did give myself the more realistic target of completing the 100 days over the calendar year. Got there in just the nick of time finishing on the 28 December!

The aim of the project is to simply commit to 100 days of creativity in whatever form you choose and share it on social media. I really enjoyed undertaking the project - the accountability and emphasis on play, especially trying new processes and tools were all positives.

I partly undertook this project to help define my ‘artistic voice’. Strong themes did emerge some of which I was already aware of such as my preference for bold colours and subject matter inspired by my day-to-day life, but others like the use of circles, black line and craft paper also showed-up.

As the year went on I definitely found myself loving collage combined with drawing - it has planted the seed to explore this combo further going forward. - stay tuned!